Imagine this – you're a child, maybe 9 years old, and it is christmas morning. You bolt out of bed and run down the stairs to find a christmas tree overflowing with gifts. "Holy shit" you say to yourself. You open a gift as quickly as you can and it's a jug of vinegar. That's weird but what about this one? More vinegar. It was cruel, you think, of santa claus to wrap the third jug of vinegar in a bike shaped box, but that's what's happened. Everything under the tree is vinegar and for breakfast? You're having cheerios in vinegar.
This album will be far less disappointing than that. It'll make you laugh, cry, laugh while crying, cry while drinking, all the best stuff. Stare in wonder as anywhere from 3 to 7 men sing you songs about the real issues, like kicking someone in their stomach, and reasons to drink gin. Dazzler can't bring your dead friend back but we do have a song about how cell phones are cool. Look it's a good album okay? Stop asking questions you're making Joey cry. credits released November 29, 2015
This time Dazzler is :